As sunny days beckon thoughts of weekends and family vacations, meticulous planning ensues. Reservations, logistics, and itineraries are meticulously arranged. Yet amidst the preparations, one crucial aspect often overlooked is your car.


In South Africa, where cars remain the preferred mode of transport, neglecting your vehicle's maintenance can lead to numerous inconveniences. To ensure a worry-free start, here are some simple yet essential checks to consider.

Tires: Your Connection to the Road

Tires are your vehicle's vital organs, directly linking you to the road. While regular inspections are crucial, special attention is warranted before embarking on a vacation. A mere visual inspection won't suffice. Ensure your checks encompass:

State of Wear: Inspect tires for visible tread patterns across their entire surface. Any tears or hernias must be addressed promptly to mitigate safety risks. Compare wear against indicators and replace tires showing the slightest defects.

Inflation Pressure: Adhere to manufacturer's recommendations for optimal inflation pressure, typically found inside your car door or behind the fuel flap. Adjust inflation if traveling with a heavy load.

Brakes: Essential Safety Checks

Subjected to rigorous tests year-round, brakes demand thorough inspection before departure. Despite modern vehicles featuring wear warning lights, a visual examination often provides additional insights. Pay close attention to:

Front and Rear Pads: Simply removing the wheel allows inspection of brake pad condition. Ensure front pads maintain a minimum thickness of 3 mm, while rear pads should be at least 2 mm thick.

Brake Discs: Manufacturer-defined minimum ratings dictate disc condition. Replace excessively worn or scratched discs promptly.

Fluids: Vital Under-the-Hood Checks

Five key fluid points warrant attention:

  • Windshield Washer: Top up reservoir if levels are low.
  • Brake Fluid: Verify levels using witness marks or indicators.
  • Coolant: Maintain levels between the jar's minimum and maximum marks.
  • Power Steering Fluid: Check fluid level, typically red in color, with the container featuring a level indicator.

Filters: Ensuring Engine Efficiency

An often-overlooked component, a clogged air filter can lead to increased fuel consumption. Replace it promptly to maintain engine efficiency.

Lighting and Signage: Enhancing Visibility

Ensure proper functioning of dipped headlights, turn signals, and brake lights. Given the inaccessibility of recent vehicle models, professional replacement can prove costly, particularly when en route to a vacation destination.

Windshield Wiper Blades: Clear Visibility, Enhanced Safety

Replace worn wiper blades to ensure unobstructed visibility, especially during inclement weather.

Comfort Features: Ensuring Pleasant Journeys

Prioritize air conditioning checks or recharges, if necessary, for added comfort during long journeys. A functional car radio can also enhance travel enjoyment.

These few checks are well within everyone's reach and crucial for a safe and enjoyable journey. Even with regular maintenance, don't overlook your car's needs for a smooth start in South Africa.